

What should we do when we fall in love with the opposite sex? Should we teil our sweethearts? Our fiances? After, making a gross mistake in my own life, I believe now very definitely, yes! Because individuals tend to fall in love with one another according to the magnetism between like or complimentary forces in the unconscious, psychological complications frequently arise when homosexuals fall in love heterosexually. There may be the upsurge of neurotic blocks which can disrupt a love relationship or marriage. When the homosexual factor in such cases is mutually understood before marriage, there is a greater possibility. of resolving neurosis when it takes hold rather than trying to run away in futility from causes of the problem through broken engagements, separlation or divorce The separation of parents too frequently leaves unconscious scars on the child which can affect adversely his own future love life in one way or another. He may have a fear of marriage, unconsciously fear or hå one sex or the other or he may have a fear of love itself. Married bisexuals whose spouses understand avoid much complication. And they are much more secure than those who live in fear, especially if they live a double life. A marriage between any two people who remain strangers to one another cannot possibly have the deeper meanings and satisfactions a marriage should bring.

Laying our cards on the table would explain many things about us. It would unveil the mystery from that impenetrable something which others have not been able to understand. And it would remove the feeling of our estrangement from the very people we love the most. Others would learn. to understand. And it would alleviate high pressure salesmanship, however subtle, of well10


eaning relatives and friends who thrust prospective mates before us. irying to make a match. Others need to understand that if we are emotionally capable of falling in love with someone of the opposite sex and possibly achieving a happy riage, it is up to each of us to find in our own time the "right one", who usually would need to be of a special unconscious makeup to complement our own. And when a person is so completely inverted that the possibilities for a happy heterosexual marriage are slim or nil, then there is no reason why he should not find happiness with a lover of his own sex. The reign of truth would help bring social acceptance of homosexuals as individuals including eventual social approval of homosexual love and "marriage".

And the advancement of knowledge and social acceptance would help repressed homosexuals accept themselves. Those who are repressed nd those who are guilt-ridden from their sexual behavior, and who have the compulsion to project their conlicts through mockery, betrayals and persecution of other homosexuals would be relieved of their fears and guilt, and no longer find such com? pulsion at work.

Some homosexuals claim "it is more fun the way it is". They find excitement in secrecy, a thrill in fear itself. But the. innumerable homosexuals who have been purged from their employment would hardly call their predicament "fun". Nor would those who have been unjustly arrested, paid heavy lines, had embarrussing publicity, or gone to prison for harmless elements of their personal lives. And those who have been betrayed, treacherously entrapped, or blackmailed, or who have had their very lives threatened, would hardly say they "enjoyed" playing that kind of game. Such

mattachine REVIEW



weapons would be rendered ineffective in a social climate of truth. Just

tive in a soc we homosexuals so long as we homosexuals help, maintain society's ignorance we are guarding the very weapons we fear.

And wouldn't it be more fun if dancing between men were accepted in public (as it is between women whether Lesbians or not), and if our love and affectional expressions could be above board? No one can deny that it is more comfortable to be understood than misunderstood in any situation.

There are those who say a little bit of truth can do more harm than ignorance. Then the answer lies in giving the people an abundance of truth. And it means discarding falsehoods about ourselves. If we want people to understand that homosexuals are not an inferior and degenerate lot, then we need to give up the delusion that neither are we superior, and discard the myth of the "third sex". Psychiatry tells us there is no such thing as a "superiority complex." When we think we are superior to others it is because we actually feel inferior within ourselves. To be understood and accepted by society, the homosexual needs to first understand and accept . himself. To understand himself he needs to study his own case history, accept that history, and compare it with the histories of others. Before seeking to inform others the homosexual should study extensively and become well informed about sexual variations, both from firsthand sources and a study of what other people believe. Understanding and social acceptance, justice and fair employment practices, knowledge of child development, and changes in unhealthful and impractical se:: laws, can come about only through public education.

There are those who say it can't be done. "We will never be accepted




-never in a thousand years." What about the man who didn't know something couldn't be done, and in his innocent ignorance he went ahead and did it? In a world of inevitable change social acceptance of homosexuality is possible. Acceptance will come gradually by evolutionary means. But social evolution. can be hastened by non-violent revolutionary steps. As "there is nothing so powerful, cs an idea whose time has come," the time has never been more crucially ripe than now for bringing facts into the open on this too long tabood subject. Historically progress has already been made. Cultures which once publicly flogged and burned its known homosexuals at the stake now resort to mockery, social discriminations and imprisonment. And there are some cultures today where homosexuality does not carry the stigma it does in America. We have every reason to hope for more just treatment in the future.


Too idealistic? Is not idealism the first step toward progress? Plato said in the Third Book of the. "Republic" that it is necessary to formulate the ideal so the practical can know in which, direction to move. If "society isn't ready to accept homosexuals”, then it should be made ready. We are ready and waiting, but we are waiting on ourselves. There needs to be a beginning. And the time is now.

While Man's technological. achievements reach increasingly astonishing heights, there is a vast chasm of cultural lag between material progress and our social, moral and spiritual development. but the science of human relations is just now coming into its own. We know more about Man today than ever before. Body and mind are being analysed aimost to the nth degree. What differences there are between human benig, have been found to be super11